¿Cómo se usa y se forma el pasado continuo?

¿Cómo se utiliza el pasado continuo en inglés?
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Hola, Laia! Expresa la duración de una acción en el pasado y no indica si está terminada. Sujeto + was/were + verbo - ing Ex: - I was dancing. - She was visiting her friends. :)
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Verónica Aracil Bataller
Con el verbo to be añadiendo -Ing. ejemplo: you are running
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Agostina Ponti
Pasado continuo (past continuous) expresa una acción que estaba en progreso en algún momento determinado en el pasado sin indicar si dicha acción ya fue terminada. Ejemplo: I was doing my homework yesterday at 8pm (estaba haciendo my tarea ayer a las 8) una actividad en progreso en un momento determinado (ayer a las 8pm)
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Keytt Maholy Restrepo Morales
Hola Laia, espero te encuentres bien. Es muy sencilla su estructura: Sujeto + was/ were + el verbo conjugado con ing. Por ejemplo: I was crying You were dancing We were listening Espero te haya servido de mucho.
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Hi. It’s simple. This is how it’s formed: was/were + infinitive+ing These are 3 cases of usage: - with a mentioned period of time in the past (from… to…, for some time, the whole day) Ex: I was doing homework the whole day yesterday. - at an exact moment in the past (at 5 o’clock, at sunrise, at the same time a week ago) Ex: I was swimming in the sea this time a week ago. - two or more actions that were happening at the same time (simultaneously) in the past: Ex: When I was doing homework, my sister was cooking meat.
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Maricel Schiaffino
El pasado continuo se forma: Sujeto+was o were dependiendo del sujeto y verbo con ing. Su negativo es negando was not o were nor Y su interrogativa es invirtiendo las 2 primeras palabras del afirmativo
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Cristina Molina
Past Continuos Was / were + ing I , she ,he ,It = was You ,we, they = were Ex. I was playing They were playing Negative I was not playing Was'nt They were not playing Weren't Interrogative. Was I playing ? Were they playing?
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