¿Cuándo utilizar la expresión "I'm starving"?

Judit Godall 8 respuestas
HiiiI have been using my whole life the sentence: I'm starving! to convey the feeling of feeling very hungry. However, I've been recently told that native speakers don't use it in this sense, and for them it means that you are about to faint or about to die because of hunger.I wonder if I can keep using I'm starving when I'm very hungry :pThanks a lot for your time!Jud
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María Sol Rufiner
Dear Judit: As everything in life, context will tell if you can use this sentence or not. For example, if you are among friends, it safe to use it, in Argentina we are a bit over the top, about food so we usually say " me muero de hambre" but only among friends. If you are in a formal context I suggest only to use I am hungry or if you are in Britain I am a bit peckish. But remember always have in mind the context. Have fun And a good meal!
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María Estefanía del Rosario Orozco Filippello
Hi Judit! How are you? Let‘s see if I can help you with your question. On the one hand, when you say "I'm hungry" that probably means that you have not eaten for a couple of hours, but that eating is not an urgent necessity for you right now. On the other hand, "I'm starving" is used to emphasize the fact that you are hungry because you have not eaten for a really long time that is not recommended. For example: "I've been extremely busy that the last time I ate was yesterday morning, of course I'M STARVING". However, you can use it un a exaggerate way: "Please, give me my hamburger! I'M STARVING!"
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Covadonga Prendes Garcia
Profesor Pro
Hola Lo dices cuando te estas muriendo de hambre, así de simple-
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Marcela Corti
It might have both meanings. When one is very hungry it's very common to say I'm starving (mostly American English).
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Oscar Mendoza
Hola Judit! Esa exresion, "I'm starving" se utiliza para enfatizar que estás extremadamente hambriento/a. Es una expresión coloquial que se utiliza de manera figurativa. Puedes usarla en situaciones informales y amigables para expresar tu necesidad de comida de una manera exagerada y dramática. Por ejemplo: "I haven't eaten all day. I'm starving!" "I can't wait for dinner. I'm absolutely starving." Recuerda que esta expresión se utiliza de manera informal y no se debe tomar literalmente.
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Jose David Vargas Gomez
Profesor Pro
Yes , even though natives don´t use it as much, the expression is totally valid!
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Lucio San Bartolomé
Hola Judit! Puede que sea una cuestión de tendencias: algunas expresiones se ponen de moda, otras se abandonan, y otras tienen un uso más estable. Otra opción para lograr el mismo efecto puede ser "I'm (getting) hangry" (hungry + angry). Seguro la has visto o sentido nombrar. Revisé, ¡y hasta parece que ha sido aceptada en los diccionarios!
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