¿Como se dice "pongo" (regalo feo) en inglés?

Judit Godall 8 respuestas
Hi there amigos!Como llamaríamos en inglés un pongo? Me refiero a esos regalos inútiles que normalmente son decorativosGracias por adelantado!Judit
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Claudia Ral
Hey Judit! One of the options might be ¨junk¨:).
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Javi Gonzalez Cabello
Hola Judith, Que yo tenga entendido no existe una manera literal de traducir un "pongo", ya que es un término muy local. Pero sí que podrías traducirlo como "useless gift".
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Judit Godall
Hey Javi! I want u to know that "useless gift! is the one I'm currently using the most! Thanks!
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Beatriz García
Profesor Pro
Hola, no se si te refieres a esto, pero se me ocurre "trinkets", que son como baratijas, cachivaches inútiles
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Profesor Pro
Hi Judit, Something that is silly or useless but intended to impress and interest you; you could name it in several ways: gimmick, white elephant, rubbish etc being my prefered “a piece of junk” The Spanish word “pongo” is an abbreviation of “dónde lo pongo”, so being such an slang and informal term, it doesn’t have an exact direct translation into English. “A piece of Junk” would be for me the best way of saying the same.
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Judit Godall
Thank you Sergio, for your time in writing an asnwer! It was very useful! Not like the pongos jeje
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Sophia calvano
Hola! Esta palabra no tiene una traducción literal pero creo que las palabras más cercanas serían trinkets o knick-knacks que son artefactos o decoraciones de poco valor. Espero que te ayude!
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Edward Kevin Verburgt
Hi Judit, I guess the answer is .. a "put it" From "where to put it ?" ...but this would be a literal translation although it works In English we use a word borrowed from Yiddish.. the word is tchotchke word that, apparently, several people do not realize is actually spelled tchotchke. Plural for trinkets or baubles of little value. Several decade's worth of tchotchke (chachki) lined the old grandmother's dusty shelves. Phonetically.. C-h-a-c-h-k-i. So surprised nobody knows or uses this ... Anyway there is also another expression we use .. A dust collector ... Una recoger polvos
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Judit Godall
Thanks for your time in writing an asnwer Edward. I certainly did not know about that word and its origin... A dust collector is a really good option, I'll start using it from now on :)
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Aleix Ereza Medico
Hola Judit, Gramaticalmente en inglés no hay una palabra específica para expresar “pongo” peró te diría que la palabra más acertada seria “trinkets”. Saludos!! :)
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Carolina Cioara
Profesor Pro
I would say: knickknack.
El creador de la pregunta ha marcado la pregunta como "ha sido de utilidad"
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Bianca Concepcion
Hola Judit! A good option would be 'knick knack', 'trinket' 'souvenir' and one option I love that i find funny is "tchotchkes" pronounced - ''chotch-key'' For me ' un pongo' is not always 'useless' as sometimes pongos have sentimental value or have meaning!
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