Hello everyone!
My name is Ramiro Flores, I am a recent graduate from Earlham College in Richmond, Indiana, USA. I have a Bachelors degree in Neuroscience and I have been certified bilingual by the International Baccalaureate. I am passionate about mentoring and guiding people who are interested in polishing and advancing their English skills, both in terms of speaking and listening, which are...
Hello everyone!
My name is Ramiro Flores, I am a recent graduate from Earlham College in Richmond, Indiana, USA. I have a Bachelors degree in Neuroscience and I have been certified bilingual by the International Baccalaureate. I am passionate about mentoring and guiding people who are interested in polishing and advancing their English skills, both in terms of speaking and listening, which are the two areas I often help people train. You can expect from me a dedicated mentor, usually, my "lessons" are 50 minutes long, and I based them around two core objectives: 1) lexicon and vocab training and 2) internalising and executing. The first point is based around a piece of reading (i.e. news articles, short stories, poems, etc.) where I chose a number of "target words" and sentence structures on which we will focus. We read together, and I will ask you questions to test your reading comprehension. Once we agree that the main meaning of the text has been understood, we move to the second objective. Here, I will ask you to talk about the article itself: what you got out of it, your opinion and questions. The interesting part is that I will make you use the new words you've learnt in the day. Before you know it, you will be expanding your vocabulary beyond what you thought you could in a single session!
Additionally, I offer a more targeted service to students of natural sciences, since my background is in the biological sciences. This services can take the form of technical vocabulary training, or I can help you translate academic articles that you're interested in publishing outside Chilean journals.
Hola a todos!
Mi nombre es Ramiro Flores, hace un poco menos de un mes recibí el grado de neurocientista en un small liberal arts college en USA. Además de contar con un grado en ciencias naturales, poseo la certificación bilingüe del Bachillerato Internacional (IB) . Me apasiona mucho servir como mentor y guía de personas que quieran mejorar e incrementar sus habilidades en Inglés, sobretodo en el area del Inglés conversacional (listening y speaking). En mí van a encontrar un mentor apasionado, y en mis "clases", que usualmente duran 50 minutos, me esforzaré para centrarme en dos objetivos principales: 1) vocabulario y léxico; y 2) internalización y ejecución. El primer objetivo es trabajado a través de la lectura, por lo general yo escojo pequeños extractos de noticias, cuentos o poemas en inglés (que se encuentren al nivel a trabajar) y me enfoco en "palabras claves" que serán a las que se les brindará la atención en la clase. Una vez comprendido el texto en su sentido más básico, procederemos al segundo objetivo en el cual el estudiante deberá hablar sobre el texto utilizando las palabras estudiadas con anterioridad. Así, el estudiante irá incorporando nuevas palabras y estructurás sintácticas de una manera intuitiva.
Adicionalmente, ofrezco un servicio más especializado para estudiantes de carreras enfocadas en las ciencias naturales para incrementar vocabulario técnico o bien, realizo traducciones de papers académicos del español al ingles y viceversa.
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