Descripción del anuncio
Soy Máster en Enseñanza de Español para extranjeros en la Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla (España), licenciado y magister en lengua y literatura de la Universidad de Chile. Tengo experiencia en diferentes universidades fuera de Chile, incluyendo la University of Nottingham (China Campus).
I'm a Master's in Teaching Spanish as a Second Language from the Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla (Spain), a Bachelor's and a Master's in Hispanic Language and Literature from the University of Chile. I have experience teaching in different universities abroad. My last experience was at the University of Nottingham (China Campus).
I believe in a Communicative Learning Approach. I think involving technology, new learning theories, and a good teaching environment, are the key factors for a successful learning experience.
I'm a passionate teacher. Hence, I'm daily updating my professional knowledge.
I can speak fluent English (Level C1-C2) and basic Chinese.
I would love to work with you!