Perfil de Ana Carola Briñez

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Do you want to learn how to cook arepas? Here I am to guide you.
In this online cooking course I teach you how to make these corn cakes or corn breads filled with whatever you want. They are a typical dish of Venezuela and Colombia, and very easy to make at home. You only need precooked corn flour, water and salt. I show you how to shape them, how to cook them and how to fill them with delicious...
Do you want to learn how to cook arepas? Here I am to guide you.
In this online cooking course I teach you how to make these corn cakes or corn breads filled with whatever you want. They are a typical dish of Venezuela and Colombia, and very easy to make at home. You only need precooked corn flour, water and salt. I show you how to shape them, how to cook them and how to fill them with delicious and varied recipes.
Arepas are a perfect option for breakfast, lunch or dinner. They are nutritious, satisfying and very versatile. They are also suitable for celiacs.

Sign up for this course and enjoy some yummy arepas.
¡¡¡See you inside, I'll be delighted to teach you!!!

¿Quieres aprender a cocinar arepas? Aquí estoy yo para guiarte.
En este curso de cocina online te enseñamos cómo hacer estas tortas o panes de maíz rellenas de lo que quieras. Son un plato típico de Venezuela y Colombia, y muy fáciles de hacer en casa. Solo necesitas harina de maíz precocida, agua y sal. Te mostramos cómo darles forma, cómo cocinarlas y cómo rellenarlas con recetas deliciosas y variadas. Las arepas son una opción perfecta para el desayuno, el almuerzo o la cena. Son nutritivas, saciantes y muy versátiles. Además, son aptas para celíacos.

Apúntate ya a este curso y disfruta de unas arepas de rechupete.
¡¡¡Nos vemos adentro, estaré encantada de enseñarte!!!
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