What do you need to do to master any foreign languages? Part I

In this article, I summarize the four basic principles that people should follow when learning a foreign language. Each of these principles will be discussed in greater detail in the upcoming articles. Therefore, in my first article, I will present a brief summary of the principles that I will talk about in my future articles.

Encuentra tu profesor ideal

There are mainly four principles to learn a language effectively:

  • Principle 1 → Decide what your needs are and find out what works best for you
  • Principle 2 → Balance your learning
  • Principle 3 → Fulfill conditions conducive to learning
  • Principle 4 → Stay motivated and work hard – Doing what needs to be done

Will following the principles described in this article help me learn?

This article(and subsequent ones) can help you. Here are some possible reasons.

If the language course you're attending isn't giving you a great deal of input through the right level of reading and listening, then you're missing out on a vital learning opportunity to learn the language.

¿Cómo aprender inglés? Algunos consejos
Has estado retrasando este momento, pero es algo que llega en la vida de todas las personas que a las que nos ha tocado vivir en...

Studies of very young foreign language learners have found that by increasing the amount of interesting and understandable written input without increasing class time, students almost double their language proficiency achievements compared to students with the same number of class hours but much less input. These gains were retained one year later.

If your language course/method does not include fluency development activities such as timed reading, then taking a reading course with a total reading time of around three hours will increase your foreign language reading speed by at least 50% and in some cases double your reading speed.

There are many studies on foreign language learning, but the findings of these studies are not always put into practice. Applying the findings of some of these studies can result in dramatic increases in learning.
